Thursday, 20 February 2014

15 weeks old and getting very vocal!

Howdy Guys !
Its been a good couple of weeks, Kaylee has survived her second round of jabs, and was surprisingly happy by the time we got home from the doctors.....

Sadly it didn't last , as Kaylee was not her happy smiling self for the next few days as the vaccines started to take effect. But luckily after a few days all was well in the world of Kaylee.
The next few days were difficult as unfortunately we lost Kaylee's Maternal great Grandmother, but as ever Kaylee was the shining beacon of happiness and joy to all those who met her.
We were also lucky enough to see my brother, Kaylee's Uncle Mark who enjoyed a long awaited cuddle

Since then, Kaylee has continued to grow steadily, and is starting to engage with other objects and textures around her, and is at long last finding her voice. We are treated on a daily basis of some new sounds, gurgles and an steady flowing river of dribble....

Kaylee was also lucky enough to get a beautiful door bouncer from her Nanny and Grandad, here she is hanging out and finding her feet


Kaylee's night time routine is continuing to be a huge success, and we are happy that Kaylee continues to sleep for at least 10 hours overnight, which for a 15 week old baby is fairly fantastic in my humble opinion.
Here is my routine if anyone is interested ;)
5pm feeding time !
Kaylee normally naps for 30 Min's afterward  or relaxes in her chair whilst enjoying csi:ny
6pm Playtime, this is where I incorporate stories, tummy time, or more recently some time on her blankets where she rolls around and grabs some of her toys and fabrics

7pm : Bath time with music provided by the lovely Bruno Mars
7.20 ish Baby massage I use some music from an 8tracks play list (found here Kaylee's Massage Music), but there are tons of alternatives, you are aiming for a relaxing environment with low lighting.
{my local sure start centre runs a 6 week course for free, but I'm sure there are options for this where you live}
The baby massage has so many benefits, it moisturises the skin, Gets Kaylee used to human touch and contact, and really helps keep her bowels regular. However a useful side effect is that is tires Kaylee out, and makes her thirsty and hungry, which leads me to .....
7.45 Final Feed of the night with music from The world of Warcraft Album :The Burning Crusade
Followed with 15 minutes of cuddle time with mummy
8.00 Story time
I Put Kaylee in bed and read her a short story, by the time I'm finished she is nice and relaxed and ready for bed .
All so we can look forward to doing it all again the next morning :)

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