Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Weaning Fun!

Hi everybody!
We have made the brave decision to start weaning Kaylee!
Armed with a bright shiny new highchair and some premade puree's we begin our exciting journey.
Here is the little lady looking utterly adorable whilst breaking in the new furniture ;D
On a separate note I love our highchair, not only does it have a cool, wipeable surface, but you can also assemble and collapse with one hand, which is uber useful when holding a baby !
After doing some research we have tentatively started trying new foods and baby rice, and so far things seem to be going well :)

Even if eating is terribly messy and exhausting!
(btw another pro of this highchair is that it fully reclines , ready for occasions such as this!)
I'm proud to say that its not just weaning that Kaylee is doing well at, She is still incredibly well behaved and is growing up to be a very beautiful , smart and strong little girl.
We regularly enjoy storytime...
 and playing in the door bouncer,
 But she is never more happy that when cuddling and playing with Mummy..
 And Daddy....

Bye for now ;)
As most of you know I have been learning to drive with Gary Lee in his lovely red BMW. This is still going well and the plan is to be test ready around the end of  May. I thoroughly recommend this guy as not only does he have a Lovely car, he is also a really funny instructor ;)