Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Getting bigger, and ready to move house ;)

So here we are at week 30 ! Me and Andy are both really excited that we only have 10 weeks to go until we meet our beautiful new baby. I know for certain that I cant wait to give birth so I can attempt to stake my claim on my body once again lol!

As you can see from the picture to the left I am sporting quite a proud bump, and have many comments about the size of it, only a few days ago did someone think that I only have a few days left until I pop, which I found both scary and hilarious!

The baby is continuing to move around quite a lot which is really nice ( well apart from when I'm sitting upright , then it hurts like hell) and Andy has this lovely game he plays with our baby where he finds a foot and either tickles it , or taps on my bump which makes the baby kick and wiggle around a lot! most of the time it feels lovely, but I think he forgets how strong our little one is , as some of the kicks are a wee bit painful;(
However on the whole, the baby has settled into a routine quite independently, and as luck would have it, I never feel any kicking, hiccupping, moving around etc from 11pm until about 4ish so I count myself very lucky.

We are continuing to prepare to move house this week, we have sorted through all of our kitchen , bedroom and bathroom stuff and deep cleaned everywhere , in anticipation of people coming to view the flat, I must say I get a feeling of immense pride seeing our house looking to calm and clean and organised. We just have a few things left to sort out here , then we can start moving things into our new bungalow ;)

Well that's all for now, feel free to post predictions on babies weight if you can, as well as any nice names that we might have missed !

Ciao from Clan Musk

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